Solution Heat Treating:
Consider the age-hardening process of aluminum-copper alloys. The process involves a solution heat treatment at about 950 oF in which
1. the CuAl2 phase is dissolved in the matrix,
2. the alloy is quenched to room temperature to retain the solid solution formed at high temperature
3. following the quench, the alloy is either aged naturally (i.e., held at room temperature) or aged artificially by heating at a relatively low temperature (200 to 400 oF).
Figure 1 shows the solubility line PS, which indicates a decrease in solubility of the q phase in the a phase as the temperature decreases. If a metal with composition X is heated above the solubility line to a temperature T1, the q phase will dissolve and uniformly disperse into the homogeneous solid a solution. Upon slow cooling, the phase will reform, and below PS solubility line the metal will once again consist of two distinct phases, q and a .
If the metal with composition X is heated to T1, and quenched, the dispersed submicroscopic phase is trapped in the a solution. The solution a is said to be supersaturated, because it contains more q particles at room temperature than it can hold in its lattice structure. This process is called solution heat-treating. Figures 2 and 3 show the changes in microstructure as a result of quenching.
The supersaturated solid solution is unstable and if, left alone, the excess q will precipitate out of the a phase. This process is called aging.
There are three types of aging:
Natural aging
Artificial aging
Abnormal aging
Natural Aging:
When the process occurs at room temperature, it is called natural aging.
Artificial Aging:
If the material that has been solution heat treated requires a heating to speed up the precipitation, the process is called artificial aging. It should be noted that freezing the solution heat treated material will retard the aging process.
Abnormal Aging:
Figure 3
Table 1 shows the effect of aging on the properties of Aluminum Alloy 2014.
Annealed | 27,000 | 14,000 | 18 | 45 |
Solution treated. Naturally aged | 62,000 | 42,000 | 20 | 105 |
Solution treated , artificially aged | 70,000 | 60,000 | 13 | 135 |
Table 1. Effect of aging on the properties of 2014 aluminum alloy.
As mentioned earlier, refrigeration retards the aging process. At 32oF the beginning of the aging process is delayed for several hours and freezing at temperatures of up to -100 oF retards aging for an extended period. Use is made of this fact in the aircraft industry when aluminum-alloy rivets, which normally age at room temperature, are kept in deep-freeze refrigerators until they are driven. The rivets have previously solution-treated, and as a single phase they are very ductile. After being driven, aging takes place at room temperature, with a resulting increase in strength and hardness.
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